Extreme Blog Makeover Tips

Sorry, Ty Pennington isn’t here today—just your faithful Social Strategy1 blogger. It’s true that my power tool skills are so bad I’ve been banned from using them at my house, but what I can offer is tips for making over that blah blog:

Photo Credit: Toilet Paper Entrepreneur

  • Post regularly. This tidbit on American Express Forum, from The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur’s Mike Michalowicz, makes the blog to do list because blogging is one of those tasks that’s often consigned to the bottom of the “To Do” list. But sharing content on a regular basis is one of the simplest ways to give the audience fresh ideas and provide readers with fresh opportunities for online engagement. As a bonus, it boosts SEO efforts as well.
  • Stir the pot. Mike suggests this, and I wrote about stirring the blog pot earlier this summer. Don’t be afraid to share your opinion on topics, such as relevant news items. Of course, there’s likely to be disagreement, but it will provide a starting point for engaging stakeholders.
  • Go social. People are sharing on social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Each time you post a new entry, share the link via your go-to social networks. Also add social plugins to the blog. These are the icons that allow readers to share blog content with friends and colleagues through social media networks.

Blogging is just one of the components of a social media strategy. To learn more about all the tactics that make social media profitable, contact Social Strategy1.

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