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10 Dec 2010
by Amy |  Social Media Guides and How To's  | No Comments 

It’s lunchtime. You’re cruising the company’s social network profiles, answering Facebook comments and writing the company blog as crumbs rain down onto the keyboard (yeah, you know IT will throttle you when they find that crumb-encrusted mess). Then, long after co-workers have migrated home, you stare blankly at a screen trying to make heads or tails of those free social media analysis tools you signed up for. Sound familiar?

Sounds like you need a team. Here are 4 social media experts you need to lighten your workload and maximize your brand’s social media potential:

A Social Media Analyst

Free tools are fine, but it often takes a trained eye to interpret results and translate them into action. A social media firm will manage your online monitoring tools. You’ll get real time results and nuanced analysis that mitigates crises, latches onto trends, and taps into the voice of the customer. After all, online listening without the analysis is nothin’ but numbers.

A Brand Advocate

Rest assured your brand will need an advocate on social network sites. Whether it’s directing a confused user to the customer care team or solving a problem for a very dissatisfied customer, a professional advocate will be your problem-solving online voice.

An SEO Expert

Developing a profit-building web presence is much more involved than posting a page on Facebook and hoping customers will find you—after all there are over 900 million objects on Facebook. An expert in SEO will identify the keywords you need to monitor the web and build content customers want.

A Web Presence Strategist

From online brand reputation to SEO, there are so many components that go into creating an ROI-generating social media strategy. A web presence strategist will pull everything together to help develop a comprehensive online monitoring and customer engagement plan that aligns with your company’s goals.

Social Strategy1 is your go-to team.

When you invest in Social Strategy1, you get an entire staff of experts, from the analyst to the strategist, at your disposal. No more worrying about how to answer an unsatisfied customer. No more sweating over hard-to-decipher tools. And no more crumbs dropping onto the keyboard as you rush to write a blog entry. From setting up social media profiles to analyzing online sentiment, we are your professional outsourced web presence solution. Let our team become part of yours.

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