

Using state-of-the-art technology, Social Strategy1 (SS1) scrapes the entire web to collect, categorize, and analyze verbatim, online comments and conversations. The data is organized through natural language processing tools, then teams of SS1 analysts perform lexical and channel analyses to draw insights from conversations that law firms can use in areas of discovery, compliance, due diligence in business transactions, etc. Each comment is catalogued, time-stamped, and archived for easy retrieval.

With more than a billion people using social media, SS1 analysts can identify important context and connections, and pinpoint sources of online discussion to:

  • Identify comments that are untrue and potentially harmful to a company or person, or are derogatory about a company or product
  • Identify intent or publically made claims
  • Identify comments that infringe upon a trademark or a service mark
  • Uncover disclosure of trade secrets, personal actions or actions against others
  • Identify comments that malign competitors, employers, or other employees
  • Identify individuals, and relationships to other individuals or companies

For more information, contact Social Strategy1 now.