Where’s Your Social Media Expert?

As a small business owner or manager you probably spend most of your time doing whatever it is your business does best, whether it’s providing medical care or fixing personal computers. You likely already use other professionals to fill in the gaps where you don’t have (or don’t even want to have) expertise. Think accountants or legal counsel. What do you do about social media?

The fact is that too many businesses do not have a social media expert on their side (lack of money, time, resources). For example, a 2011 Economist Intelligence Unit/SAP study of retailers found that 84% rated their effectiveness at measuring social media initiatives as average or poor. A mere 4% reported they have advanced metrics that can tie social media efforts directly to sales.

If you want (or need!) to tie ROI to social media efforts but don’t have an in-house social media expert to get the job done, call Social Strategy1. We’ll provide the online listening tools and business analysis (with actual human analysts) that you need to make profitable decisions for your brand on and offline.

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