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15 Feb 2011
by Monica |  Social Media Guides and How To's  | No Comments 

In case you haven’t noticed just by looking around at people on a subway, at work, in a restaurant, etc. the amount of smartphones in people’s hands is skyrocketing. How many mobile devices do people own these days? According to Chris Heydt  from Ogilvy PR, the average adult carries 2.5 phones. He also reports that by 2013 smartphone sales are expected to exceed 1.1 billion. That would explain why 40% of all Tweets come from mobile devices and 200 million Facebook users are on it using a mobile device.

A recent study from Foresee Results reveals some facts that should make anyone in the online shopping space pay attention. During the 2010 holiday season, 11% of online shoppers made their purchase on their phone compared to only 2% the previous year. Also in the report, 33% of respondents have used their phone to access a retailer site.

About ten years ago many in the retail business had doubts about online shopping and how big it would get. The trends are showing the same kind of tack with mobile shopping. About ten years ago many had doubts about social media and the role it would play in the business world. Putting all doubts behind us now we have to take into account the to-go factor.

Does your social media strategy include the mobile factor? A social media strategy should have as an ultimate goal to sell your product. Can your product be represented or bought on a smartphone?

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