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19 Oct 2010

Social Media Abbreviations

Social Strategy1 on Social Media Monitoring 1 Comment

By now you already know what abbreviations like LOL and LMAO mean. But if you’re just starting to implement a social media strategy, business-related abbreviations can throw any professional for a loop. Here’s a brief guide to frequently used alphabet soup terms:

RT (Retweet): Forward a Twitter message, also known as a tweet. This is a common way for social media users to share information they find interesting.

POST: Coined by Forrester analysts, the acronym describes a systematic approach to crafting a successful social media strategy. It includes:

  • People – Assessment of the audience’s social activities
  • Objectives – Establish a goal
  • Strategy – Plan for the change in the relationship with the customer
  • Technology – Choose the right social technology

SCRM (Social Customer Relationship Management): CRM that leverages the ability to use the social web to monitor and assess conversations, craft and react to messages, and transform customer engagement into meaningful relationships.

SMM (Social Media Marketing): Using social networks, websites, or communities to generate exposure and create business opportunities. It includes a range of tactics, from paid advertising on social networks to engaging in conversations with customers online.

SMO (Social Media Optimization): Refining a website so that the content can be easily shared through social networks and online communities. For example, an SMO tactic might include adding prominent icons to a web page that allow a reader to share the content on Facebook.

UGC (User Generated Content): Any content or media created by the end user, including blogs, videos, podcasts, photos, or reviews.

VOC (Voice of the Customer): A customer’s expression of wants and needs. Social media monitoring allows businesses to tap into what potential and current customers express by monitoring online communities, review and rating sites, blogs, and social network sites.

Learning the abbreviations is one thing. Implementing them and making them part of your corporate culture is another. To learn more about UGC, VOC, and other social media monitoring and online engagement initiatives, contact the experienced business analysts at Social Strategy1.

One Response to “Social Media Abbreviations”

  1. Social Media Website Guide | Social Strategy1 says:

    [...] is in session. In recent weeks, we’ve learned basic social media terms and deciphered social media abbreviations. Now it’s time to tour the social media world by learning about a few of the popular sites [...]

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